The girls are at Grannys. I'm having a quiet afternoon, called into the bakery for a piece of carrot cake, made a cup of tea and put on my new cd. City & Colour - Bring me your love. Its not a new cd to them, as in it came out in 2008 but came across this song on
youtube and got the cd for £3 on amazon. Thats just me, I'm years behind everyone else when it comes to music.
I found another photo of a 'make' and thought I would post it so you can see I make things other than girls dresses! I made this a while back using a pattern from MollieMakes Magazine. It was quick and easy, and has really managed to last the pace in this house (its current use is for the girls irish dancing shoes).
It uses
Melody Miller's 'Happy Kitchen Mint' from her original Ruby Star Rising range. I'm now sold out of this (although I think I have a small cut lurking somewhere, I'm a little bit reluctant to let go of it though if truth be known.) The handles were some that my Mum had got free in a magazine, they are 'D' shaped. This was obviously before I started stocking them in the
shop...... Circular handles would have worked better but these are fine.
Here is a tutorial from 'Little Birdie Secrets' blog which can use up any bamboo handles you might have floating about the place.
Oh - and speaking of Melody Miller's Happy Kitchen Mint, I splashed out on this a while back. A
gelaskin for my laptop. I know Melody has some new designs up on the gelaskin website now if anyone fancies having a looksie at them!